My Story
Here's my icebreaker:
I am a mom of three girls, and a wife to a wonderful man.
I learned how to cook from my Italian Grandfather when I was a teenager.
I was an English major & Fashion Design major at Michigan State University and Wayne State University.
I worked as a stylist for several years.
I continue to share my love of fashion working part time as a stylist at a local boutique.
I love reading, walking, yoga & pilates, paddle boarding and spending time with my family and pets.
I love sewing and crafting when I have spare time.
I have ADHD and anxiety and mental health is a huge priority for me.
I am a Girl Scout troop leader and mom.
One of my children has mild cerebral palsy that has been recently diagnosed this year and I am learning so much.
I enjoy being outside and on the go.
We all know that there are two​ sides to every story.
In college I was self destructive and put myself in some terrible situations and developed terrible habits.
I carried many of those into my 20's and it took a whole lot of life happening to start the ripple effect of change for me.
I am a recovered bulimic and binge eater (18 years recovery).
I developed gestational diabetes during my first pregnancy which is what inspired me to go through my health coach certification (IIN). ​
I have had the privilege and honor of being the caretaker for both of my terminally parents at different times and with different illnesses; cancer and dementia.
The last 7 years have been one hell of a ride.
One I would never wish on anyone and truly made me question what was the purpose of the pain?
I had and continue to use perspective to persevere. ​
Personally this continued to push me to do more for myself and others.
Being face to face with mortality really puts things into perspective health wise for many is is often a catalyst for change.
In both of their cases, lifestyle contributed to their diagnoses.
During that dark time, I made a point of learning as much as I could from their care teams in order to understand their diseases and become an advocate for each of them in the best way possible- along with studying and researching preventative measures as well as lifestyle modifications that can lower the risk of these devastating diseases.
I have taken what has been handed to me and turned to my advantage.
I am slowly but steadily continuing my education in my Bachelor's of Science in Nutrition to become a Nutritionist through Purdue Global University. ​
I find the human body and how food fuels or fights it fascinating and am I thrilled to have the privilege to share this with others in order to cultivate a healthy community.
Looking forward to celebrating your health wins with you!